What is HVR?
Head Quarters : San Francisco| Founded : 2012|Tech : Change Data Capture
An amazing solution to replicate data across system in real time.
A Log based CDC tool with its unique ways to handle SCD and Transactional changes of source system to target with super low impact to both source and target system overheads but highly accurate.
Different ways of integrating HVR between multiple systems
HVR Distributed Architecture
Everyday use processes and concepts
Channel Definition: Table creation , Location Configuration(Source & Target) and Actions Properties setup.
Location Configurations: Locations are end points, It can be either database or files/Directory . They can be used to define source or target while defining Channel.
Channel INIT: Initializing channel means to declare channel definition changes into hub catalog and enable other temp tables or configurations to enable complete end to end integration of channel.
Refresh: Full data load from source to target system (One or Multiple tables).
Capture: Reading data from redo logs and storing into hub in transaction files.
Integrate: Process of writing data records from Hub transaction files into target system tables/files.
Compare: Data Validation and Repair.
Manage: Monitoring and Reporting the alerts and stats.
Schedule: Jobs related to Capture, Integrate, Refresh and Compare defined and executed in Hub using Scheduler.
Learning Curve of HVR?
No more such reasons once HVR in place. HVR technology provides an amazing easy solution to replicate data across system in real time . The user experience and development is very easy and simple to implement which brings more confident to developers and operations to look for the long term easy solution.
A Log based CDC tool with its unique ways to handle SCD and Transactional changes of source system to target with super low impact to both source and target system overheads but highly accurate.
The look and feel of HVR GUI adds more impact to track and develop changes faster then ever. It brings some handy functionalities and actions that can be defined common or in groups for multiple objects.
It is a pretty new tool in the market but it is growing with a rapid pace and attracting many clients and partnership.
As an early implementer or explorer of this tool , I will try to share further articles about my learnings and experiences with you all in future articles.
>> Pawan Kumar